We strive to provide high quality childcare and education for all children that is appropriate to their individual needs. This is provided for in a positive, respectful and relaxed environment, by supportive adults sensitive to the individual needs of the child and their family.
Working in partnership with parents/carers is vital for effective learning and development for the child. This is achieved by building relationships with the child and family through the key persons approach. The key person will aid the child’s learning and development through helping to ‘stretch’ the child but not pushing them beyond their capability, ensuring that each child makes the best possible progress. This in turn helps to ensure that children are prepared for their next stage in their learning.
Effective key person system in place to build strong bonds with each child and their family.
We provide environments that are inviting to the children, providing them with a range of resources suitable to their needs and interests.
We follow the children’s lead with child initiated play, helping to further their learning and development.
We promote the characteristics of effective learning, to help ensure that the children are learning in a range of ways.
We gain the views of parents as to their child’s starting points and on-going interests at home to help the key person build upon these at nursery.
We closely observe each child to build on their prior learning to ensure that we are extending on their learning and development.
We plan activities / experiences which are specific to every child’s personal next steps.
We provide effective support and interactions to help extend children’s learning and development.
We support the children to become confident learners and gain independence.
We work with parents to share ideas for learning at home and next steps that the
children are working towards.
The impact of our curriculum is that children can progress at their own rate, making at least good if not better than expected progress. Any gaps in children’s learning are spotted and supported so that it closes quickly. The children gain independence and become confident learners, and this helps the children to share their interests and ideas freely. All of this helps to ensure that children are well prepared for their next stage in their learning.